It is not just about the loving Father’s right to be engaged with the day-to-day life of his child, but it is the child’s rights to be with their fathers.
Father's Rights Association Of Malaysia
Fathers in Malaysia sadly discover that in Family Court, the probability for them to secure joint custody of their children is extremely low and, for the most part, remains futile litigation.
As a result, sole or primary custody of a couple’s children almost always is invariably granted to mothers. This is where the Fathers’ Rights Association of Malaysia (FRAM) plays an important role.
FRAM consists of an ever-growing group of men and women committed to helping loving fathers enjoy their full rights and responsibilities and helping children have their fathers in their lives substantially.
In Malaysia, mothers are automatically granted sole child custody of a child, especially for children below seven years old, under the Law Reform (Divorce & Marriage) Act 1976 and also in accordance to section 81 of the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories).
Thus, a father’s contribution to his children’s lives to be primarily financial in the eyes of the law. FRAM advocates for 50/50 equal shared parenting. This includes by terms of law equality of time, control and guardianship of the child.

A Better Future
Compulsory Shared Parenting and Parent-Child Counselling in the Malaysian Family Law.
The aim of the Father’s Rights Association of Malaysia (FRAM) is to CHANGE THE MINDSET of the law and the society to support shared parenting.
A CHILD should not be a victim of a divorce. A child should not be told to choose which parent he or she wants to live with. No court should decide for them either. FRAM aims to change the family law in Malaysia towards compulsory shared parenting.
Consider these eye-popping statistics

Impactful Stories
” FRAM is not just an association for loving fathers. FRAM is for everyone who believes in family bonding. To have more mature children to share the ‘what if’ with their divorced parents will bring more meaning to the existence of FRAM. Always remember, a couple can choose to be separated or divorced, but once they are a parent, they will remain as one forever. “
- Sheikh Faleigh SM
When Faleigh left his former wife, he left the house with his two kids. When he goes to court to get legal custody of the two, the court orders him to ‘surrender’ his kids to their mother.
His biggest failure in life was when he couldn’t do anything to change the court order and when his 8 yr old son (then – 2014) asking him, “Why can’t you do anything? I want to stay with you and not with mommy. I know I can see mommy anytime you will let me.
After seven years of the never-ending legal battle for child custody, he decided to stop and refocus his energy to help other fathers in Malaysia to have more custodian rights for their kids.
Hence, he and his friends initiated the Father’s Rights Association of Malaysia.
” FRAM is a platform where fathers can learn and help each other especially in solving the biggest headache in any divorce case – The Rights of Children accessing both parents and not to be used as a Tool for monetary gains. Parental alienating is a Crime against Children’s mental and emotion well-being, and detrimental to the society in long run. With FRAM, fathers like myself have gained insights and supports needed to continue protecting the rights of our children to have a normal living life. “
- Jon Lee
Jon is an epitome of a father who helps other fathers in FRAM by giving them advice and shares his personal experience.
He had to gave up fighting for custody because of financial constraints from never-ending legal battle with his former wife.
In return he requested that his children to be given freedom to contact him as when they like, mid week stayover, sending them to school once a week, alternate weekends stay over with him and to shares school holidays.
The court granted his request and it has helped the kids to better managed the divorce situation.